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Interpreters / Express BASIC - an interpreter in C
« Last post by Gemino Smothers on November 25, 2023, 09:12:59 PM »
My attempt at a BASIC interpreter in C:

It's syntax is similar to Net BASIC.

DOS and 9x Edition is compiled with DJGPP
Minimal Edition (for XP and up to 11) compiled with Dev C++
Extended Edition (for XP only) compiled with Dev C++

Code: [Select]
10 LET p = 2
20 LET s = 1
30 LET n = INT(LOG(p) / LOG(10))
40 LET m = 10 ^ n
50 LET q = p
60 LET r = 1
70 FOR i = 0 TO n
80 IF NOT(q < p OR PRIME(q) = 0) THEN 110
90 LET r = 0
100 BREAK i
110 LET q = (q MOD m) * 10 + INT(q / m)
120 NEXT i
130 IF NOT(r) THEN 160
140 PRINT p,
150 LET l = l + 1
160 LET p = p + s
170 LET s = 2
180 IF l < 19 THEN 30

Code: [Select]
10 FOR x = 1 TO 120
20 LET n = x
30 LET c = 0
40 IF n MOD 2 <> 0 THEN 70
50 LET n = INT(n / 2)
60 LET c = c + 1
70 IF n MOD 2 = 0 THEN 40
80 FOR i = 3 TO SQR(n) STEP 2
90 IF n MOD i <> 0 THEN 120
100 LET n = INT(n / i)
110 LET c = c + 1
120 IF n MOD i = 0 THEN 90
130 NEXT i
140 IF n <= 2 THEN 160
150 LET c = c + 1
160 IF NOT(PRIME(c)) THEN 180
170 PRINT x,
180 NEXT x
200 SHELL "pause"

Code: [Select]
10 INPUT "enter a number: ", n
15 PRINT "the factors of "; n; " are ";
20 LET a = ABS(n)
30 LET i = i + 1
40 IF a <> INT(a / i) * i THEN 60
50 PRINT i; " ";
60 IF i < INT(a / 2) THEN 30
70 PRINT a; " ";
90 SHELL "pause"

Code: [Select]
10 LET a = INT(RND * 5999) + 2
20 PRINT "nth root of "; a; "..."
30 FOR n = 1 TO 10
40 LET p = .00001
50 LET x = a
60 LET y = a / n
70 IF ABS(x - y) <= p THEN 110
80 LET x = y
90 LET y = ((n - 1) * y + a / y ^ (n - 1)) / n
100 IF ABS(x - y) > p THEN 80
110 PRINT n; " : "; y
120 NEXT n
130 SHELL "pause"
Open Forum / Re: AllBASIC Forum
« Last post by Gemino Smothers on November 25, 2023, 08:53:40 PM »
People are going through a lot in these times. Hopefully one day, there will be a great return to computing.

There's not much for me to share other than my language experiments. It's just nice to just have a place to keep the option for discussion open.

My forum has been equally as dead. I just post progress updates. From what I have seen other forums are toxic gossip cesspools and are also dying. The only options are to let forums die or be the ones to weather the storm.
Open Forum / AllBASIC Forum
« Last post by John on November 12, 2023, 11:16:09 AM »
Forum Members,

Is there any topic the members of this forum would be interested in? With AIR going MIA and very little activity by anyone other than myself, I'm considering closing down the forum. The forum and archive forums I host are well indexed in the search engines and is the only thing at this point that justifies keeping the forums active.

Does anyone have a suggestion how we may see more activity on the forum?

Interpreters / Re: Net Basic - a BASIC in PHP
« Last post by John on October 05, 2023, 08:44:49 PM »
I have a remote socket based console debugger that works with the ScriptBasic web server.
Interpreters / Re: Net Basic - a BASIC in PHP
« Last post by Gemino Smothers on October 05, 2023, 07:28:08 PM »
I need to keep Script Basic in mind as a web programming language.. Server side scripting and all.
Interpreters / Re: Net Basic - a BASIC in PHP
« Last post by John on October 05, 2023, 04:20:45 PM »
Nice feature!

Control Solutions uses ScriptBasic in a few of their controllers. It has a web interface based interpreter as well.

Interpreters / Net Basic - a BASIC in PHP
« Last post by Gemino Smothers on October 05, 2023, 01:54:40 PM »
I have been working on another project. What do you think about it? A Tiny BASIC direct interpreter online service in PHP.

A direct interpreter hosted on the web. You submit code and get results. There's no input, but GET requests may be read to allow url variables and forms.

Programs may be compiled/embedded into a url. Visit and copy/paste/run some of the examples. Whenever you run code on the page, you get program encoded urls. One for HTTPS and one for HTTP. The whole site is available to HTTPS or HTTP through a subdomain.

Here's some examples:

Code: [Select]
10 FOR x = 1 TO 120
20 LET n = x
30 LET c = 0
40 IF n MOD 2 <> 0 THEN 70
50 LET n = INT(n / 2)
60 LET c = c + 1
70 IF n MOD 2 = 0 THEN 40
80 FOR i = 3 TO SQR(n) STEP 2
90 IF n MOD i <> 0 THEN 120
100 LET n = INT(n / i)
110 LET c = c + 1
120 IF n MOD i = 0 THEN 90
130 NEXT i
140 IF n <= 2 THEN 160
150 LET c = c + 1
160 IF NOT(PRIME(c)) THEN 180
170 PRINT x,
180 NEXT x
Program encoded url:

Code: [Select]
10 LET a = INT(RND * 5999) + 2
20 PRINT "nth root of "; a; "..."
30 FOR n = 1 TO 10
40 LET p = .00001
50 LET x = a
60 LET y = a / n
70 IF ABS(x - y) <= p THEN 110
80 LET x = y
90 LET y = ((n - 1) * y + a / y ^ (n - 1)) / n
100 IF ABS(x - y) > p THEN 80
110 PRINT n; " : "; y
120 NEXT n
Program encoded url:

Code: [Select]
10 LET loops = 100
20 FOR x = 1 TO loops
30 LET n = x
40 PRINT n; " : ";
50 LET c = 0
60 IF n MOD 2 > 0 THEN 110
70 LET n = INT(n / 2)
80 LET @(c) = 2
90 LET c = c + 1
100 IF n MOD 2 = 0 THEN 70
110 FOR i = 3 TO SQR(n) STEP 2
120 IF n MOD i > 0 THEN 170
130 LET n = INT(n / i)
140 LET @(c) = i
150 LET c = c + 1
160 IF n MOD i = 0 THEN 130
170 NEXT i
180 IF n <= 2 THEN 210
190 LET @(c) = n
200 LET c = c + 1
210 FOR y = 0 TO c
220 IF @(y) = 0 THEN 250
230 PRINT @(y); " ";
240 LET @(y) = 0
250 NEXT y
270 NEXT x
Program encoded url:

Code: [Select]
1 REM Prime Table
10 PRINT "Generating table of primes below..."
30 PRINT "<center><table><tr>"
40 FOR y = 1 TO 50
50 FOR x = 1 TO 20
60 LET i = i + 1
70 PRINT "<td style = 'border:1px solid black; background-color:yellow;'>"
80 PRINT i; ":<br /> "; PRIME(i)
90 PRINT "</td>"
100 NEXT x
110 PRINT "</tr><tr>"
120 NEXT y
130 PRINT "</tr></table></center>"
Program encoded url:

Take this simple program and encode it to a url using the IDE on the Net Basic page.
Code: [Select]
1 REM USD currency conversion
10 GET u
20 PRINT "$"; u; " USD ="
30 GET e
40 GET g
50 GET i
60 GET j
70 PRINT u * e;  " EUR"
80 PRINT u * g; " GBP"
90 PRINT u * i; " INR"
100 PRINT u * j; " JPY"

Once you get the url, add the variables to the url in upper case. Notice the U=25.99&E=.925881&G=.7924&I=82.628&J=145.96 part.

Here's the URL ready to go:*%20e%3B%20%20%22%20EUR%22%0D%0A80%20PRINT%20u%20*%20g%3B%20%22%20GBP%22%0D%0A90%20PRINT%20u%20*%20i%3B%20%22%20INR%22%0D%0A100%20PRINT%20u%20*%20j%3B%20%22%20JPY%22%0D%0A
(for some reason the link broke, so you will have to copy/paste this one for it to work)

When you click the link, you will get exchange rates. Simply modify the GET variables to change the program output.

Try saving this form as a .html file and open it with your browser.
You will have a currency conversion app on your screen.
Code: [Select]
<form action = "" target = "output" method = "get">
U<br /><input type = "text" name = "U" value = "1"><br />
E<br /><input type = "text" name = "E" value = ".925881"><br />
G<br /><input type = "text" name = "G" value = ".7924"><br />
I<br /><input type = "text" name = "I" value = "82.628"><br />
J<br /><input type = "text" name = "J" value = "145.96">
<input type = "hidden" name = "listing" value = "1%20REM%20USD%20currency%20conversion%0D%0A10%20GET%20u%0D%0A20%20PRINT%20%22%24%22%3B%20u%3B%20%22%20USD%20%3D%22%0D%0A30%20GET%20e%0D%0A40%20GET%20g%0D%0A50%20GET%20i%0D%0A60%20GET%20j%0D%0A70%20PRINT%20u%20*%20e%3B%20%20%22%20EUR%22%0D%0A80%20PRINT%20u%20*%20g%3B%20%22%20GBP%22%0D%0A90%20PRINT%20u%20*%20i%3B%20%22%20INR%22%0D%0A100%20PRINT%20u%20*%20j%3B%20%22%20JPY%22%0D%0A">
<input type = "submit">
<iframe name = "output"></iframe>
Scripting Languages / bAsIc
« Last post by John on October 05, 2023, 08:48:45 AM »
I have removed the FANN thread due to lack of interest by the forum members, I see no reason to flood the forum with posts on a topic of little interest. I may restart the the thread on the the ScriptBasic forum once I have more time.

VB (5/6/CE) Classic / Re: twinBASIC
« Last post by John on August 27, 2023, 10:43:06 PM »
I'm hoping I can create 32 bit form / class DLLs I can use with ScriptBasic's COM extension.
VB (5/6/CE) Classic / twinBASIC
« Last post by John on August 27, 2023, 07:25:24 PM »
twinBASIC: a modern, BASIC programming language, aiming for 100% backwards compatibility with existing VB6/VBA projects.  A complete replacement development environment offering significant new features and improvements over the VB6 IDE.

VBCCR is compatible with twinBASIC in 64 bit mode.
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